
This is the Space where I ramble. Do leave comments, they will help me improve this space and know what kind of posts caught your attention

Sunday, April 18, 2010

multi purpose office space

Also being a day care.

Care has a wonderful day care for its staff. But there are times when my office doubles up as a day care and my role includes the same. when school's are shut or when the normal day care provider at home is unavailable and staff bring their children over for the day. They normally troop into my office, ostensibily for saying salam but realistically to raid my chocolate supplies (kept especially for such intrusions).

Here are a few snaps of what really happens and how my stationary is actually put to use

Munaza jan (one of the youngest ones) and my all time favourite! Now you know the reason I have toshak's in my office and not the normal furniture.

She also has a tendency of appropriating all my markers on a regular basis :).It a constant battle
retrieving them.

With Helen (the most precious one), while the rest of my team is jabbering away in Dari, this is the role assigned to me!

Peer learning at its best :). This is the only time Munaza condescended to smile for us. Tabassum is the only one she listens to.

Most of the HAWA kids as I call them.


  1. Lovely set of photographs! An the entire blog makes a very interesting read!!
    One can never tire of it! I have read and re-read most the entires on the blog!!

    Ever thought of writing a novel?

  2. Thanks Anirudh, maybe when i have stopped living my adventures :)
