
This is the Space where I ramble. Do leave comments, they will help me improve this space and know what kind of posts caught your attention

Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcoming the weekend with a bomb blast and grabbing the grab bag for the first time

Was woken up a little over an hour and a half back on a jumma morning (my weekend) with the sounds of a blast (initial thought was earthquake), stepped out of my bedroom to see all the windows had opened with the impact, and things had fallen off the counter. Grabbed my wallet and passport and stuffed it into my grab bag, got a call from, my neighbour, Jen to say that our Country Director Lex said to get dressed and be ready. Now for the things that I thought of putting into my bag (all in a period of two minutes), prayer book, extra pack of ciggaretes and my knitting. This is the first time that i thought of my grab bag (we are all advised to have a small bag ready for emergencies)

We all went out into the yard, its been pouring all night and still raining, there are four of us in the compound right now, made a pot of coffee and stayed together till the gun shots abated, checked out the exit routes in case we needed to get out. An hour spent like any other socialising, how strange is that, except ofcourse everyone was worried- the phase that was repeated most often- if they are out to get you they will, nothing we can do. Called parents to let them know that I was still alive and kicking. Texted friends in the neighbourhood to make sure they knew what was happening and were ok.

Now that I have not heard any gun shots for the last twenty minutes, will get back to work and stay put for the day!

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